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A member registered Dec 13, 2017

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(1 edit)

For the Halloween match that shot went away as soon as it came up and the text in the middle did not appear.

For the later matches the screen without the text came up and stayed until I clicked and the black band with no text appeared for a split second before advancing to the next screen.

After posting yesterday I finished Zoe's path and the last match seemed to work as normal, but it was the only one

For the relationship portion while I might be able to go back it can be difficult to remember how far, plus there is no fast forward feature so it would require LOTS of clicking in cases were I have to go far back.  Plus one choice might not be enough depending on how much affect it has.  

Also if the relationship status is also a factor in success we have to balance having a high enough average to succeed and having one higher than the others.

For the volleyball portion I see the hearts below the pictures but no other text.  Nothing that says anything about averages.  The picture pops up with the characters and the hearts and it goes away instantly.

I am enjoying it so far.  The language isn't over done and Pixie takes some getting used to but is used sparingly so I have no issues.

I couldn't figure out how to join your website forum so I have two suggestions.  First I would be to make the relationship checks just require a certain limit then let us choose any over that limit.  As it is now it will be a pain to see everything in subsequentplaythroughs trying to balance them so one is higher than the others.

Second the game should explain how we can fail/succeed the vollyball games